The Nextcloud VM appliance comes configured with two disk - one for the OS and one for data. Both of them are 40g, which is to small to event store one backup of a modern phone. To fix it here is what you need to do:

  1. If you have any data on the Nextcloud, make sure you have a backup

  2. Shutdown the host - just in case

  3. Login to VMware console and extend the second hard disk to the size you want

  4. Start the server again

  5. Login via ssh to nextcloud and become root (sudo su - should do the trick)

  6. Look at the current zfs configuration: zpool list  and check the disk usage: df -h

  7. Update the partition size: parted -l than choose the “fix” option when asked

  8. Delete the “buffer” partition: parted /dev/sdb rm 9

  9. Extend the size of the first partition to utilize 100% of the disk: parted /dev/sdb resizepart 1 100%

  10. “Unmount” the ZFS pool: zpool export ncdata

  11. Mount the ZFS pool: zpool import /dev ncdata

  12. Make the ZFS pool online: zpool online -e ncdata sdb

  13. Check the new partition size with: zpool list and df -h